Friday, May 14, 2010

Blog #2

In my book, there is one main character, Tyrone Johnson, better known throughout the book as Ty. He lives with his mother in a not to shady hood in Brooklyn. When Ty was 14 years old his father was sent to jail and the "family business" was all his ever since. At the age of 14 he was a full out hustler as he refereed to himself. At the beginning of my book Ty was registered for school but never went because he was to busy making deliveries. He was kicked out because he was never there and that never went over well with his mother. His mom was a very caring women who never wanted her son to turn up like his father. She would never know what was going on because Ty was really good at smoothing things over and making it seem like he never does anything wrong. He is very smart at what he does and insists he will never get caught. He never makes deals with people who don't seem 'right' and always makes the right moves. He runs into a obstacle when Darkman comes to town to try and shut him down. he went to his father for advise, his dad said to get ride of him. Ty didn't want to just to that, he said it could cause a war out there between the families. He holds off but one day as he leaves the gym he was shot and the target of a drive by shooting.

By drug dealing, Ty is hurting his personal life more and more everyday. His mother hates it once she finds out. He is also in love with a girl named Alyse,the second she found out she didn't want anything to do with him and now he is on the verge of getting killed. But he still wont give it up, hes popular, money grows on trees and he loves what he does, that's the weakness.

If you were in Ty's position, would you fight for your loved ones back or would the money and the fame to do almost what ever you want be enough?


  1. I would fight for my loved ones. I think that money isnt everything and you shouldn't live your life around money, you should go for what you love. Money doesn't buy love. Money is never enough.

  2. There is no way I would give up and fight for my loved ones and take the money and fame. Money isn't always everything and the ones you love are the most important to you that just money and fame because that is never enough.

  3. Money is money and that is all it will ever be. Its nice to have money but when it comes to someone you love money is no comparison. Money will buy you anything and you will have the most material things you could wish for. But you will be missing one of the most important non material things out their.

  4. If i were in Ty's position I would fight for my loved once because they are the only people I have. You only have one mother, and I couldnt lose that if it was my fault. I don't think that money and the fame to do almost whatever I want would be enough because money isn't everything, you cant buy happiness and love with money.

  5. If i was in Ty's spot i would fight for my loved ones beacuse i dont knowe how long they are going to be around me or what not.

  6. If i was in Ty's situation, i would of walked away from the money and the fame, to save my family.
